jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010


In South Africa aproximadamente150 State Natural Reserves, of which 21 are National Parks and there are numerous nature reserves, provincial and private.
South African National Parks, protected fauna and flora native to the area in which they are located, hence the importance and particular beauty of each.

Among the animal species most commonly seen are the "Big 5": lion, leopard, buffalo, elephants and rhinos.
Also zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, hippos, jackals, hyenas and antelopes: impala, kudu, springbok, waterbok, eland, gemsbok, among others, reptiles: alligators, snakes, iguanas, etc.
This country is also the habitat of more than 23,000 species of indigenous flowering plants.
Kruger Park is the largest and most important of South Africa, renowned internationally as the King of the National Parks, the delicate ecological balance management, a product of experience gained by more than a century, an area of 2,000,000 hectares . has 147 different species of mammals, including "Big 5"

507 species of birds, 114 species of reptiles and 33 species of amphibians. In total 801 species of animals and a huge variety of vegetation.

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